St.Petersburg Travel Guide

Buy Railway Tickets In Russia 60 Days Before Departure


Russian Railways announced that passengers can now buy tickets 60 days before travel instead of 45 which was the case earlier. The move makes it possible more flexible trip planning and brings more savings for a traveler.

The Russian Railways system differs much from developed countries’ in terms of marketing, but is fast making up the gap. Now you can buy your ticket for any destination inside Russia or beyond the country two months before your departure. That’s very good news for those who plan their travels deeply in advance and for those who like savings thanks to early booking. As expert say, when you buy Russian railway tickets at the start of sale you can save up to 20% from their final price a day before departure.

All this is especially important for many travelers who opt to visit two Russian biggest cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg, and travel among them by Sapsan. The Sapsan tends to be overcrowded, first of all, on Fridays and Sundays when business people go for a weekend from one of the both cities to their city of origin after business days and on holidays and in the summer when the train is highly popular among tourists.

So get ready to buy your railway tickets for the summer 2017 in March here.

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