St.Petersburg Travel Guide

St. Petersburg Regular Trains And Railway Stations

Moskovsky railway station

St. Petersburg runs five major railway stations serving long-distance and short-distance trains. Local railway system is not connected to the metro (subway) system, neither exists a city’s railway network like S-Bahn in Berlin.


All five stations are located in the city center just near subway stations. They are being managed by Directorate of railway stations (DRS), a subsidiary of the Russian Railways JSC.
The inquiry office of DRS: 8 (800) 775-00-00
The stations provide Wi Fi access to the Internet, a free session is limited by 25 minutes. And of poor quality.
All the stations are open 24 hours.

Addresses And Phone Numbers Of The Railway Stations And Served Destinations


Subway station: Baltiyskaya (red line)
Address: 198095, Obvodny canal embankment, 120

Long distance: Gdov, Pskov.
Short distance: Oranienbaum (a town of Lomonosov), Peterhof, Gatchina, Luga, Kingisepp, Ivangorod.


Subway station: Ploshad Lenina
Address: 195009, Ploshad Lenina, 6
Long distance: Finland (Kouvola, Lahti, Helsinki).
Short distance: Vyborg, Priozersk, Zelenogorsk, Repino, Solnechny, Petrokrepost, the lake of Ladoga.


Subway station: Ladozhskaya
Address: 195277, Zanevsky prospect, 73
Long distance: Finland, Moscow, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk, Ekaterinburg, Vologda, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Adler (Sochi), Anapa.
Short distance: Volkhovstroy, Nevdubstroy, Mga, Kirishi, Budogosh, Tikhvin, Staraya Ladoga.


Subway station: Ploshad Vosstaniya
Address: 191036, Nevsky prospect, 85
Long distance: Moscow, Velikiy Novgorod, Tver, Bryansk, Adler (Sochi) and a lot of major destinations east and south of St. Petersburg.
Short distance: Tosno, Shapki, Lyuban, Malaya Vishera, Volkhovstroy, Nevdubstroy, Budogosh, Kolpino, Kirishi, Staraya Ladoga.


Subway station: Zvenigorodskaya (violet line). The entrance to the station Pushkinskaya that’s the closest to Vitebsky is currently being repaired.
Address: 198013, Zagorodny prospect, 52
Long distance: Ukraine, Belarus, Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga.
Short distance: Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Oredezh, Velikiy Novgorod, Luga.

Popular Destinations Near St. Petersburg And Stations To Go From

Destination Station to go from Station to get off
Peterhof Baltiysky Noviy Peterhof (New Peterhof)
Pushkin Vitebsky, Baltiysky Tsarskoe selo (The tzar’s village)
Pavlovsk Vitebsky Pavlovsk
Vyborg Finlyandsky Vyborg
Gatchina Baltiysky Gatchina – Varshavskaya
Schlisselburg Finlayndsky Petrokrepost (the Oreshek fortress)
Velikiy Novgorod Moskovsky, Vitebsky Novgorod-na-Volkhove
Staraya Ladoga Moskovsky, Ladozhsky get off the station Volkhovstroy then by bus
Priozersk (the Korela fortress) Finlayndsky Priozersk
Tikhvin Ladozhsky Tikhvin
Ivangorod* Baltiysky Ivangorod-Narvskiy

(*note, you must have a special permission to come in Ivangorod)

Additional Services

Most of the St. Petersburg’s railway stations offer the following range of services (in addition to luggage rooms, toilets, shopping, financial services, fast food, arrival, departure, Wi Fi etc):
— Accommodation. Decent and cheap, though not at a hotel’s level, of course
— VIP waiting rooms with TV, shower, sofas, high-speed Internet access.
— Express delivery services
— Rooms for negotiations
— Announcement on the station
— Inquiry on timetable
— Porter service
— Booking a taxi

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